About Us
Polk Prevention and Recovery Alliance is comprised of all sectors of the community. As a coalition, our primary goals include establishing and strengthening collaboration among community stakeholders and organizations, and reducing substance use and misuse among youth and young adults. Additionally, we prioritize initiatives that support and empower our local recovery community. We accomplish our work through implementing Evidence Based strategies, partnering with local organizations such as Mosaic Place Recovery Center, and by addressing the risk and protective factors in the community that can lead to positive change. We are always looking for new members, creative ways to engage with the citizens of Polk County, and innovative ideas to bring awareness to and address the impact of substance use.
Our coalition is excited to offer evidence-based materials for youth K - 12 through Positive Action programming. Positive Action provides a “whole-child” approach and supports youth through social & emotional learning.
Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions. By emphasizing positive thoughts and actions, the program creates healthy environments where youth have opportunities to practice and grow their skill sets.
Upcoming events.
Join us for our upcoming events and learn more about the work that we do. Attend our monthly coalition meeting, or see us in action in the community!