Prevention Matters
Prevention remains the best way to change perceptions of harm, long-term behaviors, and is especially relevant as increases in drug overdose-involved ED visits appear to overlap with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community coming together and learning more about prevention is a great place to start! The PAD Coalition uses the Strategic Prevention Framework, or SPF, to guide coalition work. The SPF was developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to guide coalitions in best practice.
To start, it’s important to local at local data. The state of Georgia is fortunate to have the Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS) which asks youth about different health behaviors. Using local data is a great way to understand a communities needs and areas of strength.
The next step is capacity building and making sure that the right people (you!) are at the table. Training coalition members and the community helps ensure prevention efforts are based in science and best practice. Next up is planning which can take a long time and ensures that the implementation phase goes well.
Lastly, evaluation is used to take a closer look at our efforts and see what went well or what can be done differently to improve our strategies. Throughout the SPF, cultural competency and sustainability are critical components to make sure we are being inclusive of our communities and thinking long-term on how to continue efforts, even if funding is gone.
Interested in learning more about the SPF? Join us at our next coalition meeting and see how you can get directly involved in the process!